Sunday, February 7, 2010

Iran's missile and uranium salvoes

Click here to read the Economist article "Iran's missile and uranium salvoes". This article discusses Iran's recent launch of a rocket into space, claiming to be for civilian purposes. The actions of Iran are continually in direct opposition to the international community, but suddenly Iran seems to be changing its mind on a deal it dropped out of in the past. Iran might be willing to hand some of its uranium over to be turned into fuel rods for creating electricity after a course of months to a year. Although the three quarters of Iran's stockpile previously sought after might not be how much is put into the deal. Many people now wonder if Iran is just continuing to buy itself more time. Iran could easily conjure up some impossible deal and then use that as the grounds for claiming the international community is being unagreeable and just continuing its pursuit of enriching its uranium. Considering how quickly some nations aquired the nuclear bomb, one can only wonder how much longer it will take or if they already have one, if that is Iran's intent. There is also the possibility that Iran is simply distracting the international community from imposing economic sanctions that China disfavors. This applies to things like supernational organizations, public policy, economic policy, and a country's rights to nuclear weapons. Grade this post.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting point about Iran distracting community from imposing sanctions.
